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Blessed are You!

Scripture: Psalm 67, Matthew 5:1-12 As a pastor, I have shared and offered many blessings over the years.  Blessings for food, blessings for…

“Reservoirs of Resilience in Uncertain Times: Courage”

Psalm 27:1, 11-14; John 21:15-19 How would you define courage? What makes for a courageous person? What tends to jump to mind first in popular…

Reservoirs of Resilience in Uncertain Times: Purpose

John 21:1-14 Introduction: A Feast for the Senses The story we heard this morning is one to experience with all five of our senses. Can you smell that…

Reservoirs of Resilience in Uncertain Times

Hope Scripture: John 20:24-29 Last Sunday, our guest speaker Susan Schwartzentruber from Shalom Counselling made a comment that has stuck with me…

Bending and Not Breaking in the Storm

Peter and a donkey By: Susan Schwartzetruber Psalm 31:1-5; Matthew 16:13-20; Matthew 26:31-46 It is so good to be with you this Sunday…

Easter Sunday

Seeking God’s Ways: From Certainty to Wonder Scriptures: Isaiah 65:17-25, John 20:1-18 I’ve heard that the only certainties in life…

Lent 6 – Seeking God’s Ways: From Control to Collaboration

Luke 19:28-40, Philippians 2:5-11 I have a question for all of you? What are the things that make you the most frustrated? That get under your…

Lent 5

Seeking God’s Ways: From Scarcity to Abundance Scriptures: Isaiah 43:16-21, John 12:1-8 I grew up in a family that valued simplicity and frugality…

Lent 4 – Seeking God’s Ways – From Privilege to Welcome

2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 From Privilege to Welcome. I am not sure I like that theme! It has been disconcerting and unsettling to…
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