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Elijah and the Widow

It shouldn’t be news to any of us that our world is experiencing a crisis in natural disasters. It wasn’t long ago that much of the continent of…

Peace Sunday Sermon

Abigail Makes Peace 1 Samuel 25:1-35 Introduction Is it just me, or does this peace season feel more fraught than usual?  Coming from a peace…

Living as God’s People: Leaders in the Land

Solomon Asks for Wisdom 1 Kings 3-11 It’s a matter of the heart! When Mathieu and I met a few weeks ago to read the Solomon scriptures and plan…

The Anointing of David

Introduction How is your heart doing? In our modern Canadian context, a question about your heart condition would likely elicit one of two responses:…

Living as God’s People: Leaders in the Land

Leadership in the Book of Ruth Ruth 1-4 Today is Thanksgiving Sunday, a Sunday where we give thanks to God for the many blessings in life, where we…

Trail Of Death Pilgrimage

When I went to Indiana to take the course on the Trail of Death Pilgrimage, I had only been here at St. Jacobs for 2 weeks. In those 2 weeks we’d had…

Calling The Young

Living as God’s People: Leaders in the Land Calling The Young 1 Samuel 3 There was an age and era of family life and parenting where children and…

Living as God’s People: Leaders in the Land

Grounded in God’s Wisdom Proverbs 8; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31; James 3:13-18 Introduction Like we did in Children’s Time, I invite you to take a moment…

Climbing the Mountain of God: Mount Tabor

Matthew 17:1-13 As you know, I love to go hiking, and love hikes that take me into the mountains.  I have shared some of these stories and…
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