Isaiah 40:1-11 Rachel and I have had a long lesson in waiting this Advent, and yes, you already know where this story ends. I remember way back to 3…
Isaiah 64:1-9 How Long? How long, O Lord, before you burst from the heavens and come done? This week, after 17 days of being trapped underground, 41…
Joshua 1:1-9; 3-4 ‘When your children ask in times to come, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’ then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan…
Shirley Redekop Exodus 20 We are continuing on the series Journey to Freedom; Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Two weeks ago, Moses…
Exodus 7:1-13 From my earliest Sunday School days, I have wondered about the translation of Exodus 7:3 that points to God hardening Pharaoh’s…
Exodus 3:1-4:17 This year, starting in the Fall, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, MCEC, our area church conference, offered a unique opportunity for…
Exodus 1:1 to 2:10 Without a doubt, the two midwives in our story – Shiphrah & Puah – were courageous women, defying the Pharaoh’s orders. They…
Genesis 42-46 How many of us heard these kinds of phrases growing up? ‘Come on boys. Come on girls… say you’re sorry.’ ‘Just kiss and make…
Genesis 39, 41 I’m not much for theme park rides. I’m definitely not a fan of rides that spin, or swing back and forth. Those are likely to induce…