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How will we know… what now?

Isaiah 40:1-11 Rachel and I have had a long lesson in waiting this Advent, and yes, you already know where this story ends. I remember way back to 3…

How Will We Know…How Long?

Isaiah 64:1-9 How Long? How long, O Lord, before you burst from the heavens and come done? This week, after 17 days of being trapped underground, 41…

Journey to Freedom: Crossing into the Promised Land

Joshua 1:1-9; 3-4 ‘When your children ask in times to come, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’ then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan…

‘Journey to Freedom: We can follow God’s Commandments’

Shirley Redekop Exodus 20 We are continuing on the series Journey to Freedom; Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Two weeks ago, Moses…

Journey to Freedom: Moses Confronts Pharaoh

Exodus 7:1-13 From my earliest Sunday School days, I have wondered about the translation of Exodus 7:3 that points to God hardening Pharaoh’s…

Journey to Freedom: Moses, God’s Chosen Leader

Exodus 3:1-4:17 This year, starting in the Fall, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, MCEC, our area church conference, offered a unique opportunity for…

Journey to Freedom: Courageous Women in Egypt

Exodus 1:1 to 2:10 Without a doubt, the two midwives in our story – Shiphrah & Puah – were courageous women, defying the Pharaoh’s orders. They…

Becoming a People of God: Joseph and His Family Reconcile

Genesis 42-46 How many of us heard these kinds of phrases growing up? ‘Come on boys. Come on girls… say you’re sorry.’  ‘Just kiss and make…

Becoming a People of God: Joseph’s Rise to Power

Genesis 39, 41 I’m not much for theme park rides. I’m definitely not a fan of rides that spin, or swing back and forth. Those are likely to induce…
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