These Lent and Easter season materials are based on resources in the Leader magazine, with lectionary texts primarily from the gospels of Matthew and John.
As described by the writers of these resources, Lent is the season when we focus attention on “foundational questions of our existence.”
➢ What does it mean to be created and re-created in the image of God?
➢ How can we be authentically human?
➢ What does it mean to be called by Jesus and reshaped into his image?
➢ What is the Spirit’s role within and among us as we are being formed?
➢ What other pressures try to squeeze, contort, distort or reduce our true humanity?
➢ God is seeking to recreate and transform us, through the redeeming work of love made known to us in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. How do we respond?
Throughout this Lenten season we will be invited to go deeper into the mystery and grace of God’s love made known to us in Jesus, and we will be encouraged to seek God’s shaping and calling in our lives. May we be open in faith and trust to God’s redeeming, reshaping, transforming work in us.